This is how we came to be…

“This is what we are all about, the alchemy of relationships, dialogue, environment, and creating a sense of place where people can gather and grow. Coffee is a central ingredient to Alchemy Coffee, but so are you.

Without you, the experiment cannot be complete. You are the diversity, the spice, the culture, and the spark that the coffee is meant to inspire.”


Our Story

In September of 2016, John and I launched our first coffee shop, Alchemy Lounge, located inside historic Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment; a 1901 cotton mill on the outskirts of downtown Huntsville.

We were self-funded; which meant barely funded, and we needed to be smart and creative with the limited resources that we had available. We reached out to our amazing network of family and friends who came together to help us out with the use of their personal tools and skills, lots of heavy lifting, gallons worth of painting, and well needed encouragement and support.

In the midst of all the construction, about every two weeks our team traveled to our Counter Culture Coffee Training Center in Atlanta, GA. It was our little playground for about four months where we learned, grew, and cultivated an amazing team culture through our frequent trips and research and development.

However, not much about our process of building something from scratch was glamorous. There was sawdust and coffee grime in every crack and crevice, lots of really hard work, and many long sleepless nights, but when we look back and see how far we have come, we are both proud and humbled. Without the support of our family and friends - our story would be incomplete.


“Blending the art and science of craft coffee towards the greater purpose of building sustainable community.”

As much as we love our industry, we also love our community. At the end of the day, it’s all about people, and many of our customers quickly become our friends. This is the driving passion of the staff of Alchemy, and our staff represents the last step in a journey to deliver to you an ingredient meant to inspire your day. The relationships and interactions that we have with the coffee producers, wholesale partners, customers and co-workers is what propels us forward. We never forget how fortunate we are to work with such great coffees, and we love being able to share them with you.

The Meaning Behind Our Name

Like many of you, we are facing a myriad of challenges in the wake of this trying season in learning how to adapt and change in light of COVID-19. John and I hope to grow into an available resource and support for our community. So, we decided to pivot as a family and as a company. In spring of 2020, we launched a farm-to-cup wholesale roasting and training facility called The Foundry Coffee Roasting Co.

To us, foundries represent strength and the ability to forge a solid foundation that one can build upon. Just as science grew out of alchemy, industry grew from foundries. At foundries, metals are reshaped and made into something new through fire and pressure. We feel this represents us as a family, as a business, and as a community, and we feel that when we work together, we can all come out stronger on the other side.

Knowing there’s always room to learn and improve, we would love to invite you into our process to grow with us, and we are privileged and honored to have you as part of our story!

the story bEhind the foundry…

“To us, foundries represent strength and the ability to forge a solid foundation that one can build upon. Just as science grew out of alchemy, industry grew from foundries. At foundries, metals are reshaped and made into something new through fire and pressure. We feel this represents us as a family, as a business, and as a community, and we feel that when we work together, we can all come out stronger on the other side.” - Candace